Sunday Orthros: 9:00AM

Sunday Divine Liturgy: 10:00AM
(Coffee Hour Following)

Wednesday Vespers: 6:45PM
(Inquirers Class Following)

Akathist Service: 5:00PM
2nd or 3rd Saturday of the Month
(See Calendar)

This is our normal service schedule, however, it does change from time to time, especially during Lent. To see our current schedule look for our Calendar on our Home Page.

Service Definitions

VESPERS: The evening prayer service in the Orthodox Church.

ORTHROS: The early morning prayer service in the Orthodox Church, also referred to as Matins.

LITURGY: The work or public service of the people of God, which is the worship of the one true God. The Divine Liturgy is the Eucharistic service of the Orthodox Church. 

AKATHIST: A hymn dedicated to a saint, holy event, or one of the persons of the Holy Trinity.

VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME! On Sundays there is no break between Orthros and the Divine Liturgy. If you visit with us and there is a service in progress, come on in!